Land Acquisition for Tree Canopy Preservation Program - Sam Wilson Road
A. Approve the purchase of approximately 16.870 acres of property (parcel identification numbers 053-152-56 and 053-156-09) located near Sam Wilson Road in Charlotte, North Carolina for the purchase price of $594,875,
B. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to grant a conservation easement to the Catawba Lands Conservancy, and
C. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to negotiate and execute any documents necessary to complete these transactions.
Staff Resource(s):
Alyson Craig, Planning, Design, and Development
Tim Porter, Planning, Design, and Development
§ The city contacted the broker representing the owners of the property to inquire about their interest in selling the property for the Tree Canopy Preservation Program (TCPP).
§ The city performed and assessment of the property using the current TCPP conservation scoring model. The property scored high in comparison to previously TCPP-acquired and targeted properties with significant value related to property location, acres of contiguous tree canopy, forest health, and overall ecosystem and conservation values.
§ This property contains high quality mature hardwood forest and other native, beneficial species. Protection of the site will benefit a diversity of resident and migratory wildlife and help to protect the water quality of the local watershed.
§ The property, located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction, is in general proximity to numerous development projects that submitted tree save payment-in-lieu fees.
§ The city will donate a conservation easement to the Catawba Lands Conservancy to ensure stewardship of the tree canopy and monitoring of the property in perpetuity.
§ The city negotiated the purchase price with the property owners based on appraised value and the list price.
§ On September 16, 2024, the Planning Committee reviewed the proposed land acquisition and had no comments.
§ This transaction is consistent with the City-Owned Real Estate and Facilities Policy, adopted by City Council in June 2017.
§ In 2011, City Council adopted a goal of 50 percent tree canopy coverage by the year 2050. The Tree Canopy Preservation Program supports the goal through acquisition and protection of properties that are already forested or provide planting opportunities.
§ The city’s Unified Development Ordinance allows developers to pay into the Tree Conservation Fund, housed under the Neighborhood Development Grants Fund and administered by the city, in lieu of preserving trees on site. The city uses these funds for property acquisition to support long-term tree canopy conservation and related expenditures associated with ongoing forest management and property maintenance needs.
§ To date TCPP has acquired and preserved more than 330 acres of land, double what developers would have been required to protect under the on-site tree save option.
§ TCPP supports tree canopy policy objectives outlined in City Council’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan, adopted June 21, 2021, and Urban Forest Master Plan, adopted September 25, 2017.
§ All acquisitions through the program are voluntary.
Fiscal Note
Funding: Neighborhood Development Grants Fund