Dairy Branch Tributary-Freedom Park Segment Sanitary Sewer Construction
Approve a guaranteed maximum price of $16,382,162.20 to B.R.S., Inc. for Design-Build construction services for the Dairy Branch Tributary-Freedom Park Sanitary Sewer
Improvement project.
Staff Resource(s):
David Czerr, Charlotte Water
Ron Hargrove, Charlotte Water
Carl Wilson, Charlotte Water
§ B.R.S., Inc. has developed a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) for construction of the Dairy Branch Tributary-Freedom Park Segment sanitary sewer line. The construction will upsize the existing 15-inch sanitary sewer line with approximately 4,000 feet of 36-inch sanitary sewer and will require three tunnel crossings of Cumberland Avenue, Kenilworth/Scott Avenue, and Park Road (Council District 1).
§ On December 12, 2018, Council approved a contract with B.R.S., Inc. for Design-Build design services. Based on the design, a GMP for construction services was developed.
§ This project segment is anticipated to be complete by the third quarter of 2021.
Charlotte Business INClusion
The city negotiates participation for Design-Build contracts after the firm is selected and scopes of work are defined for design and construction services (Part G: Section 2.7 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy). B.R.S., Inc. has committed $1,016,500 or approximately 6.20% of the total contract for construction services to the following certified firm:
§ Jim Bob's Grading & Paving, Inc. (SBE) ($364,000) (asphalt paving and pavement markings)
§ Habitat Assessment and Restoration Program, Inc. (SBE, WBE) ($164,000) (environmental assessment and stream bank restoration)
§ Sanders Constructors, Inc. (SBE) ($135,000) (clearing, grubbing, and tree removal)
§ MTS Trucking, Inc. (SBE, MBE) ($116,000) (hauling)
§ Maybury Fencing (SBE, WBE) ($100,000) (fencing)
§ CES Group Engineers, LLP (SBE, WBE) ($42,500) (surveying)
§ Pride Communications, Inc. (SBE) ($40,000) (advertising, marketing, and public relations)
§ PandTL, Inc. (SBE) ($25,000) (silt fence, seeding, and mulching)
§ Gavel & Dorn Engineering, PLLC (SBE) ($20,000) (material testing)
§ JB Long Photography (SBE) ($10,000) (pre-construction video and photography)
Fiscal Note
Funding: Charlotte Water Capital Investment Plan