Construct Storm Drainage Improvement Projects
Approve a contract in the amount of $2,647,601.39 to the lowest responsive bidder United of Carolinas, Inc. for the Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Project Series S.
Staff Resource(s):
Angela Charles, Charlotte Water
Mike Davis, Storm Water Services
Matthew Gustis, Storm Water Services
§ This contract is part of an ongoing program to provide repairs and/or improvements to storm drainage systems.
§ This contract will address storm drainage systems at:
- 1515 Starita Road (Council District 1),
- 1222 Rollins Avenue (Council District 1),
- 3600 Avalone Avenue (Council District 2),
- 1130 Scottsdale Road (Council District 3), and
- 1831 Shannonhouse Drive (Council District 1)
§ The work includes grading; drainage; pipe lining water/sanitary sewer; sidewalks; asphalt replacement; and curb and gutter.
§ On October 14, 2022, the city issued an Invitation to Bid; four bids were received.
§ United of Carolinas, Inc. was selected as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
§ The project is anticipated to be complete by the third quarter of 2024.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Established MBE Goal: 8.00%
Committed MBE Goal: 8.00%
United of Carolinas Inc. met the established subcontracting goal and has committed 8.00% ($211,808) of the total contract amount to the following certified firm(s) (Part B: Section 3 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy):
• RRC Concrete (MBE, SBE) ($174,959) (concrete, various)
§ Sun King Trucking (MBE, SBE) ($36,849.11) (hauling)
Established SBE Goal: 19.00%
Committed SBE Goal: 19.00%
United of Carolinas Inc. met the established subcontracting goal and has committed 19.00% ($503,044) of the total contract amount to the following certified firm(s) (Part B: Section 3 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy):
§ Whitesell Trucking, Inc. (SBE) ($212,958.61) (hauling)
§ AMP Utility Distribution Services, LLC (WBE, SBE) ($110,395.96) (pipe tubing & accessories)
§ Silverback Brothers LLC (MBE, SBE) ($85,000) (hauling)
§ Cesar A Leon (MBE, SBE) ($85,000) (hauling)
§ Erosion Defence (SBE) ($4,269.70) (erosion control services)
§ Pentacle Inc. (WBE, SBE) ($5,420) (pavement markings)
Fiscal Note
Funding: Storm Water Capital Investment Plan