Building Commissioning Services
A. Approve a unit price contract for building commissioning services with the following companies for an initial term of three years:
- System WorCx, PLLC,
- RMF Engineering, Inc.,
- Griffith Engineering, Inc.,
- Affiliated Engineering, Inc.,
- McCracken & Lopez, P.A.,
- HEA Engineers LLP, and
B. Authorize the City Manager to renew the contracts for up to two, one-year terms with possible price adjustments and to amend the contracts consistent with the purpose for which the contracts were approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Phil Reiger, General Services
Jennifer Smith, General Services
William Haas, General Services
§ Building commissioning is a third-party, independent service performed that helps ensure that mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems are installed correctly and operating at optimum efficiency reducing energy consumption and increasing occupant comfort.
§ Commissioning services will be provided on new and existing city buildings on an as-needed basis.
§ The use of a commissioning agent is required by the city’s Policy for Sustainable City Facilities and a pre-requisite for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification.
§ On August 19, 2019, the city issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ); 19 responses were received.
§ The firms selected are the best qualified to meet the city’s needs on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualification of professional services in response to the RFQ requirements.
§ Total annual expenditures are estimated to be $850,000.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Per Charlotte Business INClusion Policy: Part C: Section 2.1(a) The city shall not establish Subcontracting Goals for Contracts where (a) there are not subcontracting opportunities identified for the Contract; or (b) there are no SBEs or MWBEs certified to perform the scopes of work that the city regards as realistic opportunities for subcontracting.
This contract meets the provisions of (a) - No subcontracting opportunities.
Fiscal Note
Funding: General Capital Investment Plan and Charlotte Water Capital Investment Plan