On-Call Professional Engineering Services
A. Approve contracts with the following firms for a term of three years for on-call professional engineering services:
- Black & Veatch International Company,
- Brown & Caldwell,
- CDM-Smith,
- Hazen & Sawyer,
- HDR Engineering of the Carolinas,
- Southeastern Consulting Engineers (SBE),
- Sturgill Engineering, and
B. Authorize the City Manager to amend the contracts consistent with the purpose for which the contracts were approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Angela Charles, Charlotte Water
David Czerr, Charlotte Water
Carl Wilson, Charlotte Water
§ Charlotte Water requires specialized technical assistance from outside engineering firms to support maintenance and upgrades at water and wastewater treatment plants as well as the collection and distribution systems.
§ These on-call engineering services contracts are used for the following areas of specialization:
- Industrial and commercial electrical engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Water and wastewater conveyance analysis, system modeling, planning and design
- Water and wastewater treatment plant engineering
- Building systems engineering
§ On January 27, 2023, the city issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ); 32 responses were received.
§ The companies selected are the best qualified firms to meet the city’s needs on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualification of professional services in response to the RFQ requirements.
§ Annual aggregate expenditures are estimated to be $6,000,000.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Southeastern Consulting Engineers, Inc. is a city certified SBE.
The city negotiates subcontracting participation after the proposal selection process (Part C: Section 2.1 (h) of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy). Each of the firms listed have identified certified firms to be utilized as the project evolves, scopes of work are defined, and have committed 10.00% of the total contract amount to the following certified firms:
Black & Veatch International Company
§ Avioimage Mapping Services, Inc. (SBE) (aerial mapping services)
§ Capstone Civil Engineering, Inc. (MBE, SBE) (geotechnical, material testing services, and RPR)
§ CITI, LLC (MBE) (systems integration)
§ CriTek Engineering Group, P.C. (MBE, SBE) (design and construction support services)
§ Habitat Assessment and Restoration Professionals (SBE, WBE) (environmental permitting services)
§ Gavel & Dorn Engineering, PLLC (SBE) (civil engineering services, SSES, and inspection)
§ Hinde Engineering, Inc. (SBE) (engineering design and utility coordination support)
§ Richa Graphics (MBE, SBE) (reprographics)
§ Southeastern Consulting Engineers, Inc. (SBE) (electrical engineering services)
§ Stewart Engineering, Inc. (MBE) (surveying and geotechnical services)
§ TKG, PLLC (SBE, WBE) (construction and project management and inspection services)
Brown & Caldwell, Inc.
§ AME Consulting Engineers, PC (SBE) (mechanical engineering/HVAC design services)
§ Gavel & Dorn Engineering, PLLC (SBE) (SESS and flow monitoring services)
§ Habitat Assessment and Restoration Professionals (SBE, WBE) (wetlands and environmental fieldwork)
§ Hinde Engineering, Inc. (SBE) (pipeline design, utility encroachment and permitting assistance)
§ Richa Graphics (MBE, SBE) (reproduction services)
§ Southeastern Consulting Engineers, Inc. (SBE) (electrical engineering services)
§ Stewart Engineering, Inc. (MBE) (subsurface utility location and surveying services)
CDM Smith, Inc.
§ AME Consulting Engineers, PC (SBE) (mechanical and plumbing engineering services)
§ Avioimage Mapping Services, Inc. (SBE) (aerial photography)
§ CES Group Engineers, LLP (WBE) (surveying/SUEs)
§ EDT, PLLC (MBE) (field engineering and inspections)
§ Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (MBE) (geotechnical engineering, drilling)
§ Richa Graphics (MBE, SBE) (printing and documentation reproduction)
§ Southeastern Consulting Engineers, Inc. (SBE) (electrical engineering)
§ Stewart Engineering, Inc. (MBE) (surveying/SUEs)
Hazen & Sawyer, P.C.
§ Avioimage Mapping Services, Inc. (SBE) (aerial mapping)
§ CES Group Engineers, LLP (WBE) (surveying)
§ EDT, PLLC (MBE) (supplemental construction field services)
§ Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (MBE) (geotechnical engineering and construction material testing)
§ Gulf Coast, LLC (SBE) (real estate/easement acquisition)
§ Mid-Carolina Reprographics (SBE, WBE) (document reproduction)
§ Southeastern Consulting Engineers, Inc. (SBE) (electrical engineering services)
§ Sweetwater Utility Exploration, LLC (SBE) (subsurface utility locates)
HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas
§ AME Consulting Engineers, PC (SBE) (mechanical and plumbing engineering services)
§ Avioimage Mapping Services, Inc. (SBE) (imaging, mapping, photogrammetry)
§ Capstone Civil Engineering, Inc. (MBE, SBE) (geotechnical)
§ CES Group Engineers, LLP (WBE) (schedule review and support)
§ CriTek Engineering Group, PC (MBE, SBE) (conveyance, resident project representative)
§ Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (MBE) (geotechnical)
§ Gavel & Dorn Engineering, PLLC (SBE) (special inspections, resident project representative)
§ Mechanical Resources, LLC (MBE, SBE) (condition assessment)
§ PicTec, Inc. (SBE) (schedule review and support)
§ Richa Graphics (MBE, SBE) (printing)
§ SAMR, PLLC (MBE) (mechanical)
§ Southeastern Consulting Engineers, Inc. (SBE) (electrical)
§ Stewart Engineering, Inc. (MBE) (structural and civil)
§ TKG, PLLC (SBE, WBE) (project support and data management)
§ The Survey Company, Inc. (SBE) (surveying)
Southeastern Consulting Engineers, Inc. (SBE)
§ Capstone Civil Engineering, Inc. (MBE, SBE) (civil subsurface work)
§ Dunbar Geomatics Group, PLLC (SBE) (civil surveying)
§ Maloney & Associates dba Maloney Engineering (SBE) (mechanical engineering)
Sturgill Engineering, PA,
§ Richa Graphics (MBE, SBE) (signage, printing, and document reproduction)
§ Smart Electric Company, Inc. (WBE) (field data collection)
Fiscal Note
Funding: Charlotte Water Capital Investment Plan