Public Comment on Charlotte WALKS
Receive public comments on Charlotte WALKS.
Committee Chair:
Vi Lyles, Transportation & Planning
Staff Resource(s):
Scott Curry, Transportation
§ Charlotte WALKS is Charlotte’s first comprehensive pedestrian plan. It brings together a number of existing walkability initiatives and identifies new strategies for meeting the pedestrian safety and walkability goals described in the Transportation Action Plan (TAP).
§ Charlotte WALKS will become the guiding document for the City’s ongoing efforts related to walkability.
§ The Transportation & Planning Committee discussed the TAP five times and Charlotte WALKS three times during calendar year 2016. These two plans were developed jointly and directly complement each other as Charlotte strives to better integrate land use and provide more transportation choices.
Community Input
§ Since February 2015, City staff has conducted 30 public input events attended by over 1,000 people.
§ Public input events were held throughout the city and included large transportation fairs, small pop-up meetings, walking tours, and specifically targeted sessions for youth and seniors.
Charlotte WALKS Recommendations
§ Charlotte WALKS includes specific action items, ranging from future capital investments and suggested policy changes, to potential amendments to the City’s development ordinances.
§ The action items are grouped into three chapters: Safe, Useful, and Inviting. These chapters correspond to the results of the public input for Charlotte WALKS.
§ Charlotte WALKS includes three high-priority action items:
- Back-of-curb sidewalks (i.e. lacking a buffer between pedestrians and moving traffic);
- Filling gaps in the sidewalk network; and
- Installing more pedestrian crossings (especially on busy, high-speed thoroughfares).
Transportation & Planning Committee Discussion
§ The Transportation & Planning Committee discussed Charlotte WALKS three times during calendar year 2016.
§ On December 12, 2016, staff provided information about Charlotte WALKS to the Transportation & Planning Committee regarding ongoing public engagement and key goals, policies, and implementation strategies.
§ The Committee voted unanimously (Lyles, Phipps, and Smith voted yes; Autry and Kinsey were not present) to recommend Charlotte WALKS to the full City Council for public comment.
Next Steps
§ The Transportation & Planning Committee will consider approving a recommendation on Charlotte WALKS at its regular meeting on February 13, 2017.
§ Staff will ask the City Council to adopt Charlotte WALKS at the Business Meeting on February 27, 2017.
The Charlotte WALKS Plan can be found online at: <http://charlottenc.gov/Transportation/Programs/Documents/Charlotte%20WALKS%20-%2011.14.16%20DRAFT%20-%20reduced.pdf>