Year Three of Internship Program for Youth
A. Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract with Road to Hire in the amount of $991,754 for provision of the Pathways program for students’ internships and summer bridge experiences, and
B. Authorize the City Manager to amend the contract consistent with the purpose for which the contract was approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Tracy Dodson, City Manager’s Office
Matt Dufore, Economic Development
Monica Holmes, Planning, Design & Development
§ This request funds the third cohort year of the initiative that supports the city’s on-going efforts to provide career pathways for Charlotte youth and completes the city’s commitment.
§ In addition to city funding, the Board of Mecklenburg County Commissioners approved funding in the amount of $884,036 in their fiscal year 2024 budget.
§ Road to Hire (R2H) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that allows students at Charlotte’s Title I, low-income high schools take R2H classes for credit, learn technical and life skills and earn paths to debt-free college and high-earning careers.
§ In 2021 and 2022, the city partnered with R2H for the provision of the Pathways program to provide internships for rising high school seniors and summer bridge experiences for graduates of the Pathways program who will be attending college in the fall.
- CMS 2021 R2H Cohort:
§ 362 Pathways Program participants (Summer 2021)
- 217 Summer Bridge participants (Summer 2022)
§ 94 percent (205) of which enrolled in college, including 57 at CPCC, UNCC, and JCSU
- CMS 2022 R2H Cohort:
§ 330 Pathways Program participants (Summer 2022)
- 211 Summer Bridge participants (Summer 2023)
§ 97 Percent (205) of which enrolled in college, including 76 at CPCC, UNCC, and JCSU
§ R2H’s Pathways program is designed to promote economic justice for students from Charlotte’s highest-poverty high schools by investing in them from that critical last year before high school graduation, to and through college or apprenticeships, and into their first two years in high-growth careers.
§ City funding supports 405 students paid internships over the summer of 2023 through the Pathways Program and 240 students in the Summer Bridge program over the summer of 2024.
- Pathways Program: Rising high school seniors are paid so they can afford to spend time being exposed to high-growth career opportunities like software development, engineering, nursing, and others. Summer programming includes hands-on support for students and families as they explore college, navigate admissions, and apply for financial aid. All R2H students will complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid with the support of R2H instructors.
- Summer Bridge program: Students who have completed the Pathways Program the summer prior have the opportunity to participate in a paid, four-week Summer Bridge program that prepares rising college freshman and incoming apprentices for college life and independent living.
§ A waiver of a competitive solicitation process for services may be granted on a limited basis when deemed appropriate and in the city’s best interest. A waiver has been approved for these services based on collaborative partnership with Mecklenburg County on using this program to support upward mobility.
Charlotte Business INClusion
This contract is exempt under the CBI Program.
Fiscal Note
Funding: General Capital Investment Plan