Data Circuits for Citywide Data Services
A. Approve contract amendment #3 for an additional four-year term to the contracts with AT&T Corp. and Level 3 Communications LLC for data circuits to connect city facilities to the city network and to provide broadband Internet access to the Public Internet,
B. Authorize the City Manager to amend the contract consistent with the purpose for which the contract and this amendment were approved, and
C. Authorize the City Manager to purchase such additional services, maintenance, support, and upgrades as required to maintain the services.
Staff Resource(s):
Markell Storay, Innovation and Technology
§ The city contracts with AT&T Corp. and Level 3 Communications LLC, which has been subsequently acquired by Lumen Corp., for telecommunications and data circuits to connect city facilities to the city network and provide broadband Internet access to the Public Internet.
§ AT&T Corp. and Level 3 Communications LLC provide critical data services to more than 120 city sites, such as the data center and vital public safety facilities.
§ AT&T Corp. will remain the primary service provider for all city sites.
§ Level 3 Communications LLC will remain the secondary service provider, supplying backup connections to critical facilities.
§ On July 28, 2014, City Council approved contracts with AT&T Corp. and Level 3 Communications LLC for an initial term of five years with two, two-year renewal options for continued service.
§ A waiver of a competitive solicitation process for services may be granted on a limited basis when deemed appropriate and in the city’s best interest. A waiver has been approved for these services based on continuity of service.
§ The new estimated values of the contracts, including the additional four-year term are $4,500,000 with AT&T Corp. and $4,700,000 with Level 3 Communications LLC.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Contract goals were not established for this contract because of the scope of work, or goods required does not present viable subcontracting opportunities. The prime contractors will be responsible 100% of the work or goods, and there are no opportunities to include subcontractors. This assessment was confirmed by CBI and the respective department after reviewing the project’s scope and potential for division into subcontracting opportunities.
Fiscal Note
Funding: Various Departments’ Operating