Roadway Object Markers
A. Approve unit price contracts for the purchase of roadway object markers for two years to the following:
‒ Qwick Kurb, Inc., and
‒ Stay Alert Safety Services, LLC., and
B. Authorize the City Manager to renew the contracts for up to three, one-year terms with possible price adjustments and to amend the contracts consistent with the purpose for which the contracts were approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Debbie Smith, Transportation
David Smith, Transportation
§ Roadway object markers are vertical traffic control elements that assist with traffic flow by providing clarity for roadway users in congested areas.
§ Markers may include signs, paddles, and plastic bollards that are set into asphalt or concrete and are designed to be visible in both daytime and nighttime driving conditions.
§ Examples of how markers are used by the city include indicating separation between bike and travel lanes and alerting drivers of the presence of medians and other traffic islands.
§ The vendors selected offer a variety of products that will be used to maintain existing projects as well as install new devices.
§ On August 23, 2022, the city issued an Invitation to Bid; three bids were received.
§ Qwick Kurb, Inc. and Stay Alert Safety Service, LLC. were selected as the lowest responsive, responsible bidders.
§ Annual aggregate expenditures are estimated to be $850,000.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Per Charlotte Business INClusion Policy: Part B: Section 2.3, The city shall not establish Subcontracting Goals for Contracts where (a) there are no subcontracting opportunities identified for the Contract; or (b) there are no MWBEs or SBEs certified to perform the scopes of work that the city regards as realistic opportunities for subcontracting.
These contracts meet the provisions of (a) - No subcontracting opportunities.
Fiscal Note
Funding: Transportation Operating Budget and various Capital Investment Program Funds