Transit Survey Research and Performance Management
A. Approve a contract with Jackson Creative, LLC, dba Jackson Insight, for survey research and performance management services for an initial term of three years, and
B. Authorize the City Manager to renew the contract for up to two, one-year terms with possible price adjustments and to amend the contract consistent with the purpose for which the contract was approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Brent Cagle, CATS
Kelly Goforth, CATS
Laura Johnson, CATS
§ The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) conducts customer satisfaction, community, and employee surveys annually to receive community and transit customers’ input.
§ Input from the surveys is used to identify concerns and areas where transit services need to be improved and/or better communicated.
§ Customers, community members, and employees provide leadership with a deeper understanding of what is successful, what needs improvement, and if progress is being made in areas with identified performance gaps.
§ The scope of services for this contract includes:
- Administration of surveys
- Focus group research
- Goal setting, data analysis and trends, and reporting
§ On August 15, 2023, the city issued a Request for Proposals (RFP); five responses were received.
§ Jackson Insight best meets the city’s needs in terms of qualifications, experience, cost, and responsiveness to RFP requirements.
§ At renewal, potential price adjustments may be considered based on legitimate and justified increases in the cost of doing business. The ability to consider price adjustments also allows the city to accept decreases, if warranted.
§ Annual expenditures are estimated to be $232,475.
Charlotte Business INClusion
Contract goals were not established on this contract as there were no viable subcontracting opportunities. However, Jackson Insight has committed 16.2% ($113,400) of the total initial three-year term contract amount to the following certified firm:
§ Customer Service Solutions, Inc. (SBE) ($113,400) (goal setting and consulting)
Fiscal Note
Funding: CATS Operating Budget