Claims Management Software Contract Amendment
A. Approve a contract amendment to the contract with CSC Cybertek Corporation for ongoing upgrades, annual support, and maintenance for claims management software to extend the contract for an additional three-year term and to incorporate the provision of new software features,
B. Authorize the City Manager to renew the contract for up to two, one-year terms beyond the three-year amendment and to amend the contract consistent with the purpose for which the contract and this amendment were approved, and
C. Authorize the City Manager to purchase such additional software licenses, services, maintenance, support, and upgrades as required to maintain the system for as long as the city uses the system.
Staff Resource(s):
Teresa Smith, Finance
Betty Coulter, Finance
Matthew Hastedt, Finance
§ The city uses RiskMaster software to track information used for processing and maintaining proprietary claim information. City Council approved a contract for these services on February 9, 2015.
§ CSC Cybertek Corporation maintains, upgrades, and provides support for the RiskMaster software.
§ The city has solicited for this type of software and services on two separate occasions since the initial implementation, finding that a system replacement and/or transition to a new system are cost-prohibitive.
§ A disruption to the Risk Management process would negatively impact the responsiveness to internal and external customers.
§ Waiver of a competitive solicitation process for services may be granted on a limited basis when deemed appropriate and in the city’s best interest. A waiver has been approved for these services based on continuity of service.
§ The new estimated value of the contract, including the renewal is $865,000.
Charlotte Business INClusion
This is a contract with a waiver of solicitation and is exempt from the CBI Program.
Fiscal Note
Funding: Risk Management Operating Budget