Citywide Cooperative Purchasing Contracts for Equipment
A. Approve the purchase of equipment from cooperative contracts,
B. Approve unit price contracts with the following for the purchase of equipment for a term of three years under the Sourcewell cooperative program:
- The Charles Machine Works, Inc. DBA Ditch Witch (Sourcewell Contract# 110421-CMW),
- Versalift (Sourcewell Contract# 110421-TIM), and
C. Authorize the City Manager to extend the contracts for additional terms as long as the cooperative contracts are in effect, at prices and terms that are the same or more favorable than those offered under the cooperative contracts.
Staff Resource(s):
Phil Reiger, General Services
Marcy Mars, General Services
§ The city uses various types of equipment to maintain city fleet, landscaping, and other assets. Vehicles and equipment being purchased include but are not limited to, excavators, skid steers, heavy duty cab and chassis, aerial light truck bodies, utility vehicles, trenchless excavation equipment, and soil piercing tools.
§ The city assesses vehicles and equipment on an annual basis to determine replacement needs based on a rating of usage, age, maintenance costs, and condition.
§ NC General Statute Section 143-129(e)(3) allows local governments to purchase from formally organized cooperative purchasing contracts.
§ A cooperative purchasing agreement results from the consolidation and competitive solicitation of multiple public agency requirements. By aggregating common needs all agencies can leverage economies of scale, such as volume discounts, improved terms and conditions, reduced administrative costs, and access to professional and technical expertise.
§ Annual expenditures are estimated to be $500,000.
Charlotte Business INClusion
These are cooperative purchasing contracts and are exempt (Part A: Appendix 1.27 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy).
Fiscal Note
Funding: General and Enterprise Capital Equipment Funds