Adoption of a Text Amendment to the Charlotte Tree Ordinance
Adopt a text amendment to Chapter 21, “Charlotte Tree Ordinance” of the City Code, which has an effective date of June 1, 2023
Staff Resource(s):
Alyson Craig, Planning, Design & Development
Tim Porter, Planning, Design & Development
§ The Charlotte Tree Ordinance is a set of regulations that preserve, protect, and promote health, safety, and general welfare of the public by providing for the regulation of the planting, maintenance, and removal of trees located on property owned or controlled by the city.
§ The Ordinance is applicable to the protection and maintenance of trees on public and private property.
§ A revision to the Charlotte Tree Ordinance was adopted by City Council on August 22, 2022, to be effective June 1, 2023. This text amendment would revise that pending version of the Ordinance.
§ The proposed amendment includes the following minor changes:
- Adds new requirements for collected civil penalties to only be used to further the purpose, intent, enforcement, spirit, and requirements of the Charlotte Tree Ordinance with regard to the use of collected funds;
- Corrects numerical and roman numeral sequencing in Articles; and
- Deletes two unintentional words in one sentence.
§ Staff recommends approval of the text amendment.
§ The proposed amendment was presented to the Charlotte Tree Advisory Commission on February 14 and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission on March 13. Information was provided to the Transportation, Planning, and Development Committee of City Council on April 3. The text amendment was also reviewed at two virtual information sessions on April 11.
§ City Council held a public hearing on April 17, 2023. Staff reviewed the minor text amendments and answered questions. There were no speakers on the text amendment.
§ The amended version of the Tree Ordinance will take effect on June 1, 2023.
Charlotte Tree Ordinance Text Amendment