Polk Park Partnership Framework
Approve the Polk Park Partnership Framework to support a group of civic leaders who will partner with Charlotte Center City Partners to lead the fundraising, design, construction, and renaming of Polk Park, located at the corner of Trade Street and Tryon Street.
Staff Resource(s):
Phil Reiger, General Services
* The city owns the pocket park at the corner of the Trade Street and Tryon Street, Polk Park, and for years has been working on plans to improve the park with hopes of finding a funding partner.
* The city has received a proposal from a group of civic leaders to privately fund, redesign, renovate, and rename the park.
* The park's water feature is inoperable and cost prohibitive to fix, landscaping is overgrown within the space and as a result, lacks adequate lighting.
* A newly renovated park would be a place of renewed public engagement, consistent with the context of its urban surrounding and complimentary to the properties around it.
* Significant public engagement is planned to ensure all stakeholders are informed of the city's intent to redevelop the park. The city and Charlotte Center City Partners will partner in providing special care to the families of those honored at the current park.
* Charlotte Center City Partners, in support of the civic leaders group, has agreed to facilitate the many parties and processes needed to complete the project.
Proposed Framework
* The Polk Park Partnership Framework (Framework) has been developed to help define initial steps, roles, and responsibilities.
* City staff will keep City Council engaged by providing periodic updates through the public engagement and design process.
* The Framework defines four items: Public Engagement, City's Contribution, Park Design, and Park Construction.
* Public Engagement will be led by Charlotte Center City Partners (CCCP). This will include the development of a stakeholder group comprised ...
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