Helicopter Fuel, Maintenance, Repair, and Training Services
A. Approve a three-year contract with Ascent Aviation Group, Inc. by sole source exemption for helicopter fuel,
B. Approve a three-year contract with Standard Aero (Alliance), Inc. for turbine engine and maintenance services,
C. Approve a three-year contract with Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc. for maintenance and training services,
D. Authorize the City Manager to renew the contracts with Ascent Aviation Group Inc., Standard Aero (Alliance) Inc., and Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. for up to two, one-year terms each, and
E. Authorize the City Manager to amend the contracts consistent with the purpose for which the contracts were approved.
Staff Resource(s):
Johnny Jennings, Police
David Johnson, Police
Brian Matthews, Police
Sole Source Exemption
§ NC General Statute Section 143-129(e)(6) provides that formal bidding requirements do not apply when:
- Performance or price competition are not available;
- A needed product is available from only one source or supply; or
- Standardization or compatibility is the overriding consideration.
§ Sole sourcing is necessary for this contract because standardization or compatibility is the overriding consideration.
§ City Council approval is required for any purchases made under the sole source exception.
Action A:
§ Gas, Fuel and Oil Exception
- G.S.143-129 (e) (5) authorizes informal procedures for purchase of gasoline, diesel fuel, alcohol fuel, motor oil and fuel oil. These purchases are exempt from bidding statutes.
- This exemption is necessary to allow one supply source for quality control and accountability of product.
§ Bell helicopters require Jet A fuel. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) has purchased fuel from Ascent Aviation Group Inc. for the past ten years due to their competitive pricing, quality, consistency, and accountability.
§ The estimated annual expenditure for fuel is $230,000.
Actions B & C:
§ CMPD's Aviation Division owns three Bell helicopters which support CMPD and require periodic scheduled turbine engine general maintenance, overhaul, and repair.
§ Waiver of a competitive solicitation process for services may be granted on a limited basis when deemed appropriate and in the city’s best interest. A waiver has been approved for these services based on company location as the manufacturer and authorized dealer to provide the services and due to the quality of pilot training, safety practice requirements, and proximity to Charlotte.
§ The expenditures for the full term of the contracts are estimated to be $1,600,000 for Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc. and $1,150,000 for Standard Aero, Inc. (Alliance).
Charlotte Business INClusion
Ascent Aviation Group is a sole source contract and is exempt (Part A: Appendix 1.27 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy). Standard Aero and Bell Helicopter Textron are waived competitive bidding contracts and are exempt (Part A: Appendix 1.27 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy).
Fiscal Note
Police Operating Budget