Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility Construction
Approve a guaranteed maximum price of $102,796,122.00 to The Haskell Company for Design-Build construction services for the Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility Influent Pump Station and Headworks project.
Staff Resource(s):
Angela Charles, Charlotte Water
David Czerr, Charlotte Water
Carl Wilson, Charlotte Water
* The Haskell Company has developed a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) for the construction of the final phase of the influent pump station and headworks infrastructure for the future Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility (SRWRRF) (adjacent to Council Districts 2 and 3).
* On July 8, 2019, City Council approved a contract for $8,848,918 with The Haskell Company for Design-Build design services for the Mount Holly Pump Station and Forcemain project and SRWRRF Influent Pump Station and Headworks project.
* On March 28, 2022, City Council approved a GMP for $61,150,733 for Design-Build construction services for the initial phase of the SRWRRF Influent Pump Station and Headworks project.
* The project is anticipated to be complete by first quarter 2026.
Charlotte Business INClusion
The city negotiates participation for Design-Build contracts after the firm is selected and scopes of work are defined for design and construction services (Part G: Section 2.4 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy). The Haskell Company has committed $7,694,020 or approximately 7.48% of the total contract for construction services to the following certified firms:
* AMP Utility Distribution (WBE, SBE) ($5,797,541) (supply of valves, bolt and gasket sets, and low and medium voltage electrical equipment)
* CITI, Inc. (MBE) ($841,045) (instrumentation and controls)
* Pentacle Inc. (WBE, SBE) ($692,326) (fencing)
* Diamond Trucking of NC Inc. (MBE, SBE) ($196,535) (hauling)
* 24K Hauling Inc. (MBE, SBE) ($75,000) (material hauling)
* RRC Concrete Inc. (...
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