Water Transmission Main Improvements and Repairs
Approve a guaranteed maximum price of $3,253,015.00 to State Utility Contractors, Inc. for Design-Build construction services for the Water Transmission Main Improvements and Repairs project.
Staff Resource(s):
Angela Charles, Charlotte Water
David Czerr, Charlotte Water
Carl Wilson, Charlotte Water
§ State Utility Contractors, Inc. developed a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) for the assessment and repairs of the 24-inch water transmission main between the Franklin Water Treatment Plant and the Town of Huntersville (within and adjacent to Council District 2).
§ The GMP also includes an additional repair to the 24-inch water transmission main located at Gibbon Road and NC Highway 115 (Council District 2).
§ On June 8, 2020, City Council approved a contract for $1,923,793 with State Utility Contractors, Inc. for Design-Build design services for water transmission system improvements throughout Charlotte Water service area.
§ This project segment is anticipated to be complete by second quarter 2023.
Charlotte Business INClusion
The city negotiates subcontracting participation for Design-Build contracts after the firm is selected and scopes of work are defined for design and construction services (Part G: Section 2.7 of the Charlotte Business INClusion Policy). State Utility Contractors, Inc. has committed $245,000 or approximately 7.53% of the contract for construction services, design build services, or approved tasks to the following certified firms:
§ AMP Utility Distribution Services, LLC (WBE, SBE) ($100,000) (water main material supply)
§ GDC Supplies Equipment & Contracting, LLC (MBE, SBE) ($75,000) (traffic control)
§ Trull Contracting, LLC (SBE, WBE) ($50,000) (asphalt repair)
§ Gavel and Dorn Engineering, PLLC (SBE) ($15,000) (soil compaction testing)
§ Buffkin Trucking, Inc. (MBE, SBE) ($5,000) (hauling)
Fiscal Note
Funding: Charlotte Water Capital Investment Plan